Making After-Market Alterations To You Car

Maintaining Hygiene Standards With a Mobile Truck Wash Service

20 December 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Operating a food truck business comes with its unique challenges, including maintaining the highest hygiene standards. Ensuring your food truck remains clean is not only essential for complying with health and safety regulations but also critical for building trust with your customers. Considering the nature of food truck operations, a mobile truck wash service can be an invaluable solution to keep your vehicle spotless and in optimal condition.   The Importance of Food Truck Cleanliness   Read More …

Understanding Automotive Repair Services

27 December 2023
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Automotive repair services encompass a wide array of solutions designed to keep vehicles running smoothly. These services range from routine maintenance like oil changes and tyre rotations to more complex repairs such as engine overhauls. Recognising the Need for Automotive Repair Services There are several indications that your vehicle might benefit from professional automotive repair services. Unusual Noises If your car starts making unusual noises — whether it's a high-pitched squealing sound when you apply the brakes or a deep knocking noise emanating from the engine — it's likely time to seek the attention of an automotive expert. Read More …

What Is The Difference Between A Regular Car Service And A Logbook Car Service?

6 December 2022
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

The terms "regular car service" and "logbook car service" can often confuse most car owners. While they may sound similar, they are quite different and require diverse types of attention and maintenance. Understanding the difference between a regular car service and a logbook car service can help you determine which kind of service is right for your vehicle. What is a regular car service? A regular car service is basic maintenance designed to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Read More …

3 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Remote Control Ute Cover

25 January 2022
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

If you want to install a remote-controlled roller cover on the back of your ute, then you need to make some basic choices as you start to shortlist products. For example, any product on your initial shortlist has to be the right size for your vehicle. Before you choose a cover from your shortlist, make sure to ask the following questions. The answers will help you choose the best product for you and your ute. Read More …

A Guide to Vehicle Inspection in Australia

29 June 2021
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

There are different vehicle inspection schemes in various jurisdictions in Australia. A car inspection can be conducted for three significant reasons: licensing the vehicle, the regulatory requirement of annual inspection, or removal of a defect notice. Whichever the case, your vehicle must pass the assessment to remain compliant with motor vehicle laws and regulations in your state or territory. Here is what first-time car owners should know about vehicle inspections in selected states and territories across the country. Read More …

About Me
Making After-Market Alterations To You Car

When a car comes off an assembly line, it is just like the car produced before and after it. However, it does not have to stay this way. I am unique, and I like my cars to reflect that uniqueness. So, every car I have ever purchased has had alternations done to make it an individual. There are so many after-market car parts available, it's difficult to decide where to start, and that's where this blog comes in. My blog posts cover topics like glass tinting, exhaust modifications, alternative car seats and other ways you can change your car so it does not look like every other one in the street.
